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Internationals Students Guide for

Physical Exams

1. 初次申请入学的留学生在递交申请材料的同时须附上六个月内的体检报告。如果体检时间距离申请入学的时间超过了六个月,则需重新进行体检。

1. International students applying for admission for the first time must submit a medical examination report within six months when submitting the application materials. If the medical examination was conducted over 6 months before the application time, then a new examination is required.

2. 留学生须前往指定的地点(海关总署国际旅行卫生保健中心)进行体检,体检前需提前在微信公众号上预约且需确保近14天内未到访过有新冠肺炎确诊病例或无症状感染者的省市或从国(境)外入境后已满28天。

2. International students need to go the designated location (General Administration of Customs (Beijing) International Travel Health Care Center) for physical examination. Before going there, please make sure that you have secured a reservation and that you have not traveled to places where confirmed or suspected cases of Covid-19 were reported within the past 14 days. International students newly landed in China within the past 28 days are suggested to postpone their reservations till they complete 14 days’ health monitoring.

附件:留学生体检预约步骤(Physical Exam- Steps for making reservations)