首页» 公告通知» 关于奥林匹克公园活动时间推迟的通知


全体语言生同学:根据本周天气状况,原定的“北京奥运文化体验”活动将于 112日( 周三 上午进行。请大家于周三上午 750在留学生公寓一层大厅集合,统一乘车出发。活动内容不变。请大家穿运动装,注意防风保暖,于1114日前向 任课中文老师 一篇活动体会

Chinese language students:  According to the  weather forecast of this week,Beijing Olympic Culture Experience activity originally planned will be played on Nov. 2(Wednesday). The activities remain the same. Please get together in the hall of International Student Apartment on the first floor at 7:50 am of Nov. 2 and then take a bus for Birds Nest stadium. Please wear windproof sportswear and be sure to keep warm. Please submit an article about your activity experience to your Chinese language teacher before Nov. 14.

                             School of International Education                                                                                                          

                               October 31, 2016